Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tonight I'm thankful to have run into one of my students when I was flyering his neighborhood about the new summer lunch program I've been working with. He's such a sweetheart, it was good to see him in his element as opposed to how uncomfortable he seems to feel in school, and he was so helpful with advice on how to best reach out to his community.

I'm thankful for how patient my full Zumba class was when my conversation with my student made me late (and my bike clock being 15 minutes slow didn't help either), oops! But I ran into the class already sweating, and I think they seemed to enjoy how we all got a sweat going together!

I'm thankful for a great conversation over dinner with three fellow Carleton alums, two who came down from the Cities that I had not seen for a year, about the future of our education system and their part in it. I'm so thankful for their hearts for education and how they want to reach youth that way, even though the districts they have been working in and the education system itself still present challenges to the ways in which we do serve our youth.

I'm thankful for a roommate baking date.

And I'm thankful for great conversations on the porch, getting to know someone new, and relishing the new summer breeze. Ahhhhhhhh.

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